Bigfoot Search Guides Pricing

What is included?

Two Nights with two hikes into the wilderness, duration of hikes will be around an hour depending on what people in the group can handle and 1 Night outing to find the elusive Bigfoot for anyone up for a night hike. 


  Day 1: Lunch and Dinner with snacks  

  Day 2: Breakfast, Lunch and Diner with snacks  

  Day 3: Breakfast and Lunch with snacks 

Campground potty and shower tents (showers need prep time to heat the water)

If there are no fire bans, we will have wood for fires and staff to keep them up.

Kitchen area setup with Chef. 

Professional Photographer on hand

Professional wilderness guide.

You will need to book at least three weeks in advance. 

Minimum group size 4 to 9 $ 349.00 per person, meals included. 

Group of More than 10 people $ 300.00 per person, meals included. 

If you have 4 or less the trip total is $ 1,396.00 

We will have extra help if you desire help setting up your area and/or carrying stuff for you. 

Prices may change depending on how many people in the group need special diets. Sodas and specialty drinks you want may cost extra depending on your selections. 

If you need to rent our tents: Small tents: $150 per trip – Tents rated for 4 people I find fits 2 Large tents: $250 per trip- Tents rated 6 to 8 people. 

Bring your own booze.